How Much Grout and Thin Set I Will Need?

How Much Grout and Thin Set I Will Need?

Experts often suggest to you determine your budget before starting to plan your tile project, remodel, or any construction.

To estimate your budget, you will first need to figure how much material you will need for the project. So, if you are in the planning, estimation and budgeting stage of your tile project, this blog will guide you on calculating your grout and thin set mortar/adhesive requirements. Check out the following pointers –

1. Take the measurements of the area (floor, wall, backsplash, pavement, or counter) that has to be tiled.

2. If you are tiling an area unparallel sides, it is advisable to divide the entire area in small areas and measure the length and width on the rectangle that falls in the area which you have to tile. This is the exact sq. ft. of tiles you will need for your project.

3. Now measure the size of tiles you are considering.

4. Once you have the aforementioned measurements, check the details mentioned on the thin set mortar and grout packaging.

5. Now, try to find the coverage chart on the mortar and grout bags. If you have to tile an area which 10 ft. X 12 ft. (= 120 sq. ft.) and the bag says that the material in it covers 50 sq. ft., then you might want to buy 3 bags of thin set or grout.

There you have it. This is how you measure how much thin set or mortar you will need for your project. You can speak to the supplier over a phone call as well to find the coverage of the product they sell.

This blog has been brought to you by, one of the trusted tile stroes in US.